

Doctrinal Basis and Principles of Baptist Faith 

The Calvary Baptist Church, an affiliate of the Jamaica Baptist Union is committed to, and unite in affirming the following doctrines as general tenets:  

  • God, who is personal, sovereign, triune, and eternal, is the self-existent creator and source of the entire universe and all life. 
  • Jesus Christ, the Crucified, Risen and Exalted Lord, is the eternal unique Son of God, who embodies and expresses the fullness of God’s nature, character, will and purpose in his Person and Work. 
  • The Holy Spirit is the ever-living active Presence of God in the community of God’s people and the world, making known, enabling, sustaining and bringing to fulfilment all that God has promised and willed through Jesus Christ now and in the days to come.
  • Human beings owe their ongoing existence, purpose, and hope of salvation to God. By human rebellion sin entered the world and disrupted the purpose for which they were created.  By the sovereign grace of God, revealed in the redemptive, reconciling work of Christ Jesus, hope unto eternal life was restored through faith in Christ Jesus.
  • The Church, the divinely created and Spirit-empowered community of believers in Christ, is called to acknowledge the Sovereign Lordship of God in Christ, by proclamation, fellowship, witness, and service in the power of the Spirit. By their calling, each member of the Church is to participate fully in the ministry and mission that God in Christ has committed to the church.
  • Believers’ baptism and the Lord’s Supper are integral to the life of the Church, according to the Scriptures. Through baptism into Christ, believers identify with the saving work of Christ, bear witness to their entry into the newness of life and are incorporated into the body of Christ. Through baptism, they are also initiated toward a life of discipleship in the Church and in the world. At the Lord’s Table, disciples of Christ celebrate, with thanksgiving, the saving work of God in Christ, the communion we share with Christ and with one another, and the joyful anticipation of eternal fellowship with our living, reigning Lord.
  • The Bible is the unique God-inspired record of God’s revelation in creation, history and fully and finally in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the true guide into its truth which is authorisation for faith and life.
  • God expects human beings to exercise responsible freedom of choice in good conscience. While showing them the way to eternal life, through Jesus Christ, God does not compel belief. Instead, all are given the freedom to believe.
  • God in Christ Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, has endowed the Church with the freedom of assembly and expression so that it may cultivate reverent worship and responsible discipleship.
  • God is the sovereign Lord of the whole universe.  All human life and the whole creation are subject to God’s control and authority. The love, obedience, allegiance and loyalty that human beings offer to God supersede any loyalty we may express to any part of the natural order, including human beings and the systems and structures they create. At the same time humankind is entrusted with the solemn task to exercise responsible stewardship in relation to the created order.
  • In God’s own time, God will bring to pass the promised consummation of history and total transformation of creation.  All humankind should live toward such a future with a lively hope even as they pursue a faithful, creative, and dynamic life in the purpose of God here and now. God holds the key to the destiny of all, as all will give account of their stewardship in God’s eternity.

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