Integral mission is the task of bringing all things in heaven and earth under the Lordship of Christ (Ephesians 1:10; Colossians 1: 16-17), while affirming that evangelism and Christian social action are not mutually exclusive. Therefore, this ministry gives visibility to evangelism as the central plank in the concept of integral mission while at the same time engages in Christian social action with equal fervor and importance. The integral mission of the church is guided by the great commission recorded in Matthew 28: 16-20. The focal points of an integrated mission are evangelism, teaching, compassion, justice and the environment. These are consolidated under three headings:

  1. The Church (Evangelism and Teaching)
  2. The Society (Compassion and Justice)
  3. The Creation (Creation Care)

 The church is therefore, guided by the principles of Integrated Church Growth (ICG) along the lines of the spiritual, missional and numerical.

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